Hideo MATSUMOTO, ex-president of Osaka Medical University, researched Gm blood type of people world-wide (with cooperation of many overseas researchers) and determined that certain blood types are pariticular to the blacks, the whites and so-called Mongoloids. Ainu people were determined to have Mongoloid types. No blood type specific to white people was found in Ainu samples. (Ref. Where did Japanese come from?, NHK Books #652) Details at page 7A.
To me, this singly is enough to negate that Ainu is Caucasian.
Kazuo HANIHARA, a contemporary anthropologist, wrote above referenced book in which he introduced his research of head bones from old remains. He also made clear that Ainu and Japanese belong to a same "race", even though they may be different as "people." (p209-210) According to the author, other studies by K. Omoto, S. Misawa, K. Mitsuhashi or T. Ymaguchi support his conclusion.
I wrote this brief memo in a quick attempt to urge inquiring mind of readers of the web pages that may say Ainu is Caucasian.
Thank you.
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